
Automated and interactive

We live in a world of data but charts are often fake, opaque and ugly. Even good charts follow a data-flow that is repetitious, costly and prone to error. All of this poses a risk to buisinesses, policymakers and the public. The approach used here and taught on our courses is different. We build tools and charts that are:

Auto-updating. Linked directly to official data sources, the charts here refresh and update when new numbers are released.

Interactive. The charts are customisable, allowing you to toggle metrics, click data points to find out more, or highlight trends.

Transparent. Everything that happens, from the raw data to the way the axes are set and colours chosen, can be inspected, checked and verified.

Shareable. The charts convert to PNG files with one click. These can then be forwarded to pivate groups or shared publicly on social media.

If you have ideas about this approach, or requests charts you would like to see, please get in touch. For code and data, see our GitHub pages.